Brand Protection



Brand Protection / Industry Updates

What Services Should Be Part of Your Domain Brand Protection Strategy?

Gone are the days when a single department in an organization shouldered the responsibility for a company's brand protection strategy. A research paper that discussed the future of online brand protection shows that inter-department involvement, starting with the board's approval and support, down to the implementation of the strategy by different departments, is required. more

GoDaddy Announces Agreement to Acquire Brandsight

Earlier today, GoDaddy announced an agreement to acquire Brandsight. To say that we are thrilled would be an understatement – we couldn't be happier about it. Over the past three years, the Brandsight team has leveraged today's technology along with deep industry experience to build next-generation corporate domain management solutions that are redefining the market. more

How Domain Reputation API Can Help Detect HTTPS-Protected Phishing Sites

Over the past five years, the Internet has seen the mass migration of websites from HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to its extension, HTTP Secure (HTTPS). HTTPS is a communication protocol that encrypts the data exchanged between sites and user agents. more

How to Avoid Fake Product Support Pages with WHOIS API’s Help

Sometimes, seeing several permutations of a famous company's domain names is not just a mere coincidence. Often, these are typosquatting attempts. They are not merely a nuisance, either, because clicking such a URL can have severe effects. more

Reverse Domain Hijacking and the Use of WHOIS and Domain Brand Monitoring Tools

In a Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) case, the complainant usually has to prove three elements to win. Failing to satisfy these evidentiary requirements can render the case not only null and void, but the panel may also consider it as a reverse domain name hijacking (RDNH) instance. more

Retrospective: Post-GDPR Compliance Rates for Domain Enforcement

A success rate of one out of four might not seem like a reason to celebrate, but when it comes to registrar compliance rates, the current 25% rates that AppDetex clients enjoy is a substantial improvement from the single-digit compliance rates initially experienced immediately following the implementation of GDPR. more

Take Brand Protection Up a Notch with Domain Research and Monitoring Tools

Cybersquatting is likely one of the oldest digital threats out there, but somehow, it still works. The first cybersquatting case filed after the implementation of the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) involved the domain worldwrestlingfederation[.]com. more

Mobile Apps Take the Lead, Scammers Follow

Mobile commerce has just reached another landmark milestone. For the first time ever, mobile transactions made up almost $1 of every $3 spent online during the post-Thanksgiving 2019 shopping weekend. more

Investigating Domain Abuse Complaints with Brand Monitoring Software

Cybersquatters can pose severe risks for brands, so it's good news when a company wins against them. Home Box Office, Inc. (HBO) recently won its case in a domain dispute for The titular show has a huge cult following, which explains why someone may want to leverage a domain name around it. more

Marketing and Media Teams Can Streamline Their Services With WHOIS Databases

The world of marketing and media isn't a walk in the park. The teams working in those departments are always on the move continually looking for ways to improve their strategies. A WHOIS database can prove useful for them in many ways. Read on to find out how. more