Brand Protection



Brand Protection / Industry Updates

Mobile, Social, and Recommerce: The Top eCommerce Trends from 2020

This year has seen rapid growth for eCommerce, with people turning to online shopping more than ever due to lockdowns and quarantine restrictions. Recent studies have shown that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift away from physical stores to digital shopping by roughly five years. more

How Much of a Fortune 500 Company’s Digital Footprint Can Be Publicly Attributed to It?

Not all of the domains that contain a company's brand are under its control. A portion of them - sometimes even the vast majority -- is typically registered by unidentifiable third parties with masked WHOIS records. Arguably, WHOIS redaction might also be preferred by the companies themselves for privacy purposes. But to which extent is this the case? more

What Subdomains Lookup Revealed About Thousands of Microsoft-Related Subdomains

Microsoft is among the most imitated brands globally. Running the company's popular product and service names, such as LinkedIn, Office365, and Windows, on a subdomains lookup tool, we uncovered 7,900 related subdomains. more

Business Email Compromise Attacks: The Big Phishing Scam That’s Easily Missed

Business email compromise (BEC) attacks are arguably the most sophisticated of all email phishing attacks, and some of the most costly. From 2016-2018, BEC alone made $5.3 billion, but it's not an attack that everyone is familiar with. more

10 Common Digital Threats to Businesses

The year 2020 has created an increased impetus for change - especially as companies embrace digital transformation at an accelerated pace. Cybercriminals have also upped their game, switching their attention to hot targets such as healthcare and pharmaceutical brands. more

3-Phase Approach to .BRAND Strategy – Socialization, Experimentation, Implementation

A year after KPMG migrated all their webpages under, the Brand Registry Group interviewed them to talk about the impact. In the interview, KPMG shares how planning and communication are key in changing to a .BRAND domain name. Their experience ties in nicely to CSC’s three-phase .BRAND approach. more

Attack Surface Analysis: Most Blacklisted IP Addresses Scrutinized

The attack surface of every Internet user gets wider every day, but it doesn't mean there's nothing that can be done about it. For one, analyzing possible attack vectors, such as suspicious or malicious domain names and IP addresses, can help with attack surface management. more

Attack Surface Analysis of 3 Social Media Giants

Cybercrime is first and foremost financially motivated. Cybercriminals look for lucrative targets, including social media networks with hundreds of millions of monthly active users. We put this perspective to the test by analyzing the domain attack surface of three of today's largest social media platforms. more

Third-Party Vendor Risk Management: A Look into Top Couriers’ Digital Footprint

Just as no man is an island, no company can perform core functions without other organizations' help. This fact is highlighted in today's age of outsourcing, partnership, and third-party connections. Unfortunately, threat actors have also found a massive opportunity in these relationships. more

Attack Surface Reduction: Scrutiny of the Top Payment Processing Companies

Almost every transaction on the Internet is riddled with risks, and the use of online payment processing platforms is no exception. With more people opting to transact online and use digital wallets, threat actors have much to gain by targeting online payment processing platforms. more