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Cybercrime Losses Overestimated, Say Researchers

Cybercrime losses may be erroneously overestimated as most information available on cybercrime losses are derived from surveys, argue two researchers in a recent paper titled, "Sex, Lies and Cybercrime Surveys". Dinei Florencio and Cormac Herley from Microsoft Research examine some of the difficulties of forming an accurate cybercrime estimate by survey. more

Is Booking.com a Generic Term?

A fundamental rule of trademarks is that they have to be distinctive, and that nobody can register a trademark on a generic term like "wine" or "plastic." In a case decided today by the U.S. Supreme Court, the court decided 8-1 that online travel agent Booking.com could register its domain name as a trademark. In this case, I think the majority got it wrong, and Justice Breyer's lone dissent is correct. more

Which Direction Will the Internet Go? Take Our Survey and Help Us Explore the Forces at Work

In the past seven years, the number of people online has essentially doubled, from 1.7 billion in 2009 to about 3.4 billion today. New and innovative services have also emerged and people and companies around the world are using the Internet in ways barely imagined at the turn of the decade. Looking ahead to the next five to seven years, there are many forces at work that could have a significant impact on the Internet. more

New Research Finds Over 80% of Domain Names Used by Phishers Are Legitimate Domains

New research from the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) has found that up to 81% of domain names used for phishing are legitimate domains that have been hacked. More specifically, out of the 30,454 phishing domains under observation, only 5,591 domain names (18.5%) were registered by phishers according to APWG. The remaining small percentage of the domains used in phishing belonged to subdomain resellers such as ISPs and other web-based services. more

Strengthening Caribbean Internet Capacity to Support Local Online Services

The Caribbean needs more robust infrastructure to support the delivery of local online services during the COVID-19 pandemic and for crises to come. Public health and safety mandates, from social distancing and quarantines to stay-at-home orders and curfews, have confined an estimated one billion persons to their homes globally. The sudden restrictions on social movement have created a reliance on the Internet and technology-enabled services. This should come as no surprise. more

Internet Week Guyana Advances Caribbean Tech Development Agenda

Around the world, the growing sophistication of cyber criminals is challenging the capacity of governments, businesses and individuals to defend themselves. In the Caribbean, governments are forging strategic partnerships with regional actors like the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) and the Caribbean Network Operators Group (CaribNOG), the region's largest volunteer-based community of network engineers, computer security experts and tech aficionados. more

Deadline of Friday, Dec 15, for Nominations to Internet Society Board of Trustees

As I noted last month, this Friday, December 15, 2017, at 15:00 UTC is the deadline to nominate someone for the Internet Society's Board of Trustees. Anyone who supports the mission of the Internet Society is welcome to submit a nomination (for yourself or for someone you think should be considered). The Internet Society serves a pivotal role in the world as a leader on Internet policy, technical, economic, and social matters, and as the organizational home of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). more

A Look at Internet’s Growth in the Past Decade

Royal Pingdom has a post on the Growth of the Internet in the past decade. From the post: "There were only 361 million Internet users in 2000, in the entire world. For perspective, that's barely two-thirds of the size of Facebook today. The chart really says it all. There are more than five times as many Internet users now as there were in 2000. And as has been noted elsewhere, the number of Internet users in the world is now close to passing two billion and may do so before the end of this year." more

CENTR Releases 2024 TLD Insights

The CENTR Global TLD Report 2024 highlights a modest growth in registered domains across the EU, with a notable increase in Poland, France, and Italy, primarily through their national ccTLDs. more

LinkedIn Outage Due to DNS Issue

Users of LinkedIn were unable to access the site for several hours due to what the company has reported to have been a DNS issue. The site is claimed to have been accidentally pointed to a domain name parking page and some users were greeted with a domain for sale page when trying to access LinkedIn's homepage. According to downrightnow, LinkedIn's outage began around 6 pm PST on Wednesday and is continuing, though website has gradually resumed for some users. more

FCC Votes Unanimously on Net Neutrality, McCain Introduces Bill to Block the Move

U.S. Senator John McCain has introduced a legislation that could block the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from developing open Internet regulation which the agency voted on unanimously on Thursday. "Today I'm pleased to introduce the Internet Freedom Act of 2009 that will keep the Internet free from government control and regulation," said McCain. "It will allow for continued innovation that will in turn create more high-paying jobs for the millions of Americans who are out of work or seeking new employment. Keeping businesses free from oppressive regulations is the best stimulus for the current economy." more

Cloud Marketplaces Help Cut Through Confusing IaaS Pricing

A recent study from 451 Research reveals some interesting facts about the nature and complexity of cloud pricing. In theory, one of the major benefits of using the cloud is that on-demand pricing makes it easy to know exactly how much a company will be spending and avoid large-scale capital expenditure. That's certainly true, but the cloud space has yet to develop into a fully mature market, which means that companies have to tangle with wildly different pricing models and the cost itself can vary between vendors. more

Residents in Utah Offered to Buy Their Own Fiber Connection, 1600 Already Have

Geoff Daily reports today on the App-Rising.com: "A new model is emerging in Brigham City, a city of less than 20,000 in northern Utah, for how user-owned open fiber networks can be financed and deployed. It used to be that the only way you could get fiber was if you were lucky enough to have a private provider lay it or to live in a city that did it itself. Today in Brigham City, for $3,000 you can buy your own fiber. And in fact more than 1,600 local residents have already bought in to this new opportunity." more

Sovereignty Strikes the Internet: When Two Don’t Become One

On January 28, the UK government was set to announce whether it would allow Huawei, the Chinese information and communication technologies provider, to develop its 5G infrastructure. Given Brexit and its need to form new alliances, the decision was marked as a significant moment for the UK's trade future. Leading up to the day of the decision, the UK was subjected to a significant amount of pressure from the United States government to reject any deal with Huawei. more

The End is Nearly in Sight for New gTLDs

A little over two weeks from now the ICANN meeting in Cartagena de Indias will be over and, if ICANN has the courage of its convictions, the new generic top-level domain (gTLD) program should be on the home stretch, heading towards its official May 30 launch. The ground rules will be clear, the process predictable, and applicants will be able to begin to implement their strategies with confidence. As Elvis Presley once sang, it will be a time for "a little less conversation, a little more action, please". more