/ Industry Updates

DNS Revelations on Eevilcorp

Phishing, despite its age and infamy, remains one of the top threats to corporate and personal networks alike. And it's not hard to see why -- it continues to be effective. In fact, more than a third of all data breaches today involve phishing.

IPv4.Global Hits $1 Billion Milestone for IPv4 Sales

Of the five Regional Internet Registries responsible for distributing IP addresses, most have run out of IPv4 addresses. However, there remains a healthy global demand for IPv4 addresses, especially by growing networks. These assets, which rarely appear on balance sheets or asset schedules, have become a source of liquidity for organizations in all sectors with unused blocks of addresses.

Bring Your Own IP (AWS-BYOIP) - AWS to Charge for IPv4

On Friday, July 28, 2023, AWS announced they would begin charging for every IPv4 address an account is allocated or using on the platform, starting February 1, 2024. That's a change from the current scheme, which only charges you for addresses you reserve, but aren't using, or if you reassign the same address over a hundred times a month.

WhiteSnake Stealer Serpentines through the DNS

It's not unusual for data stealers to target several browsers simultaneously. Zooming in on multiple platforms at once, including email clients, gaming portals, chat apps, crypto wallets, and even VPN-protected services, however, is quite novel.

Radix Raises the Bar for Digital Engagement With the Spotlight.online Contest

In the first week of April, Radix's .Online Domains launched the Spotlight.online contest to support women entrepreneurs in South Florida.

A DNS Deep Dive Into Malware Crypting

Each time organizations shore up their network defenses, cybercriminals devise new and innovative ways to up the cyber attack ante. That's actually the rationale behind malware crypting - the process of making malicious programs, apps, and files appear harmless to anti-malware and intrusion detection solutions.

BlackCat Hacks Reddit Again, Take a Look at What the DNS Revealed

The first time the BlackCat ransomware gang breached Reddit's network last February, they phished an employee to hack into the target network. This time, according to a ReversingLabs detailed report, they successfully dropped BlackCat onto the company's systems and threatened to release its data if it fails to pay the ransom.

Advocacy and Recommendations from the Brand Registry Group on gTLDs, Closed Generics, and IDN Policies

The following is a letter from the Brand Registry Group (BRG) sent to the GNSO Council on Friday, July 14, 2023 . It provides the BRG's perspective on the delayed commencement of the new round of generic top-level domains (gTLDs), the decade-long debate on closed generics, and issues related to Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). The BRG outlines concerns, commends efforts, and proposes solutions to help advance these important facets of internet policy development.

Largest Social Media Creator, MrBeast, Relaunches His Official Merch Store on mrbeast.store

Avid philanthropist, entrepreneur, and creator, MrBeast, AKA Jimmy Donaldson, has switched his official merch store from shopmrbeast.com to the more intuitive mrbeast.store. He announced his move to the .Store domain in his most recent video, which garnered close to 70M views in less than 3 days.

$42 Billion Funding for US Broadband Deployment

Every US state will get at least $107 million to deliver high-speed broadband access to everyone by 2030. Bigger states will get more. California will get $1.9 billion, and Texas will get $3.1 billion.