/ Industry Updates

Hot on the DNS Trail of the 16shop Phishing Kit Operators

Phishers the world over have been patronizing and utilizing the 16shop phishing kit since at least 2018. The kit's users have been known to steal data and money from the customers of some of today's biggest brands, including Amazon, American Express, and PayPal.

IPv4.Global Announces Participation at EDUCAUSE 2023

IPv4.Global, the world’s largest IPv4 marketplace, today announced its planned activity to demonstrate its higher education leadership at EDUCAUSE 2023. EDUCAUSE is committed to advancing higher education through the use of information technology.

Searching for Smishing Triad DNS Traces

Given the ubiquity of mobile phone usage, you'd think we'd all know by now how to tell legitimate from scammy text messages. Then again, cybercriminals are always on top of their game -- learning how the latest technologies work and finding ways to abuse them.

From URSNIF IoCs to Software Spoofing: Using DNS Intel to Connect the Dots

Financially motivated threat actors called "TA544" were first detected in 2017. TA544 is known for high-volume campaigns, sending hundreds of thousands of malicious messages daily.

Does Your Supplier’s Domain Oversight Impact You?

You are a distributor that sells your supplier's brands, so aside from worrying about your own company's domains, you've got nothing else to worry about, right?

Thawing IcedID Out Through a DNS Analysis

Evolution isn't only for humans and other living things. Apparently, malware can evolve, too, and IcedID is a good example. First detected as a banking trojan in 2017, IcedID continues to undergo updates that make it even more dangerous. In the past few months, IcedID variants have been observed to deliver ransomware payloads instead of performing its original function -- stealing financial data.

What’s Your .AI Domain Strategy?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is in the news every day and corporate strategies are evolving to adapt our businesses to AI use. 75% of companies have already integrated AI into their business strategies and a whopping 83% of companies consider using AI in their strategy to be a high priority according to Accenture.

Examining WoofLocker Under the DNS Lens

WoofLocker tech support scams have been wreaking havoc since 2017 but the threat actors behind it don't seem to be done yet. In fact, the threat may have become even more resilient.

Decoy Dog, Too Sly to Leave DNS Traces?

Decoy Dog, a malware renowned for abusing the DNS, specifically by establishing command and control (C&C) via DNS queries, first reared its head most likely in early 2022. Given its sly nature, the DNS malware has been used to successfully steal data from organizations throughout Russia and other Eastern European nations.

Will Redis Remain on Threat Actors’ Radar?

Threat actors have been targeting vulnerable Redis instances since February 2022 when the Redis Lua Sandbox Escape and Remote Code Execution Vulnerability, also known as "CVE -- 2022 -- 0543," was discovered. The Mushtik Gang was one of the first cyber attack groups to exploit it.