/ Industry Updates

Verisign Domain Name Industry Brief: 354.0 Million Domain Name Registrations in Q1 2023

Today, Verisign released the latest issue of The Domain Name Industry Brief, which shows that the first quarter of 2023 closed with 354.0 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains (TLDs), an increase of 3.5 million domain name registrations, or 1.0%, compared to the fourth quarter of 2022.

When Marketing Vendors Get Attacked, Clients Suffer: Third-Party Risk Discovery in the DNS

Organizations get bombarded with countless attacks from every direction, including via their supply chain. FortifyData's recent record of the top third-party data breaches in 2023 brings to light how multidirectional threat sources can be. In one of the data breaches on the list, AT&T disclosed in March 2023 that threat actors accessed the information of approximately 9 million wireless accounts through the telecommunication company's marketing vendor.

DNS Snooping on Apple iOS 14 Zero-Click Spyware KingsPawn

Last year, several governments reportedly used the NSO Group's spyware Pegasus to exploit a zero-day vulnerability in WhatsApp to spy on journalists, opposition politicians, and dissidents via their mobile devices. Apple quickly addressed the issue by launching more powerful data protection features.

No New Charges for RIPE NCC Transfers or ASNs

The RIPE NCC's members did not approve new charges for transfers or ASNs at its May 2023 General Meeting. The RIPE NCC had proposed a €500 charge for each transfer and a €50 charge for each ASN.

RIPE NCC IPv4 Waiting List - Two Years

The RIPE NCC expects to make about 300 /24 allocations in the next six months. About 1,000 members are waiting for allocations and the member at the top of the queue has been waiting over a year.

Scouring the DNS for Traces of Bumblebee SEO Poisoning

Google ad or search engine optimization (SEO) poisoning has long been a favored threat actor tactic to spread malware. A recent Secureworks study of Bumblebee, which comes in the guise of a software installer, proved that once again.

IPv4.Global Launches First IP Address Audit Tool

IPv4.Global, a division of Hilco Streambank, the largest, most trusted and transparent IPv4 marketplace in the world, today announced the release of ReView, a new, first-of-its-kind digital IP address audit tool at RIPE 86. ReView was developed in collaboration with 6connect, the authors of revolutionary provisioning and IP address management software.

A DNS Deep Dive: That VPN Service May Be OpcJacker in Disguise

The more dangerous browsing the Internet becomes, the more tools to address cyber threats emerge in the market. Virtual private network (VPN) service usage, for instance, gained ubiquity due to the ever-increasing number of data privacy intrusions.

Searching for Nevada Ransomware Digital Crumbs in the DNS

How the SVB and Credit Suisse Crash Was Reflected in the DNS

We've proven time and again that the effects of current events always extend to the DNS. Just last month, two big banks - the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Credit Suisse - collapsed. Financial experts said more banks may be bound to follow.