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PIR to Present .NGO Domain Extension Plans At CIVICUS World Assembly

At CIVICUS World Assembly in Montreal this week, Canada, Brian Cute, CEO of The Public Interest Registry (PIR), the organization that manages the .ORG domain name, will present PIR’s proposal to apply for the new top-level domain (TLD), .NGO.

With the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) planning to allow companies and organizations to apply for new TLDs in 2012, PIR intends to submit an application to obtain the .NGO domain extension in order to provide non-governmental organizations (NGOs) worldwide with an exclusive online platform to build a community around a shared value, interest or passion.

“Given that PIR is recognized for running a stable, trusted registry and currently manages .ORG—the go-to domain for the international non-profit community for over 25 years, we are the most experienced registry and organization in working with the NGO community,” said Brian Cute. “Through our work with .ORG, we’ve noticed a strong need for an exclusive place online where NGOs can differentiate themselves with the confidence that it will be managed consistent with their values.”

Mr. Cute and PIR as a whole look forward to hearing more about the needs, specifically online, of NGOs and members of the Civil Society, and to receiving genuine feedback on the organization’s plans around .NGO.

“PIR’s core mission is to inspire and empower communities by helping organizations, individuals and companies do more with their domain extension and by providing a safe, trusted venue to come together. ICANN’s new TLD program presents us the opportunity to expand this mission by providing a domain extension specifically designed for the needs of the global NGO community,” said Mr. Cute.

Mr. Cute’s presentation will take place at 2:00 p.m. ET in Room 516a, Le Palais des Congrès. For more information on CIVICUS World Assembly, please visit: http://www.civicusassembly.org/index.php.

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By .ORG, The Original Purpose-Driven Generic Top-Level Domain

Public Interest Registry (PIR) is a nonprofit that operates the .ORG top-level domain – one of the world’s largest generic top-level domains with more than 10.6 million domain names registered worldwide. PIR has been a champion for a free and open Internet for two decades with a clear mission to be an exemplary domain name registry, provide a trusted digital identity and help educate those who dedicate themselves to improving our world.

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