
Cyberattack / Most Commented

Risk vs Benefit: The Impact of Shorter 90-Day SSL Certificate Life Cycles

In today's digital age, securing your website and ensuring your users' safety has never been more critical. Secure sockets layer (SSL) certificates are the go-to solution for securing websites by encrypting the data transmitted between web servers and browsers. Historically, SSL digital certificates could be valid for years, after which they had to be renewed or replaced.  more

Microsoft, Fortra, and Health-ISAC Take Legal Action Against the Abuse of Cobalt Strike to Combat Ransomware Attacks

A group of companies, including Microsoft, have collaborated to launch a major action to disrupt the use of cracked, legacy copies of the security tool Cobalt Strike which cybercriminals have abused to deploy ransomware. more

German Authorities Seize Servers of Cybercriminal DDoS-for-Hire Service FlyHosting

FlyHosting had been open for business since November 2022 and was used for malicious activities such as hosting malware, botnet controllers, and carrying out DDoS attacks. more

‘Vulkan Files’ Leak Reveals Unique Insight Into Russian Cyber-War Plans

According to reports on Thursday, an anonymous person has Leaked confidential documents of NTC Vulkan, a Moscow-based defense contractor. It is believed that the documents are authentic and have been provided by an anonymous source who was greatly disturbed by Russia's attack on Ukraine.  more

NCA Launches Campaign to Curb DDoS-for-Hire Website Use, Warns of Legal Risks

The United Kingdom's National Crime Agency (NCA) has been running a series of campaigns focused on reducing the use of DDoS-for-hire websites. These websites offer people the opportunity to purchase powerful tools to launch cyber-attacks, which can be used to knock websites or users offline. more

OARC-40: Notes on the Recent DNS Operations, Analysis, and Research Centre Workshop

OARC held a 2-day meeting in February, with presentations on various DNS topics. Here are some observations I picked up from the presentations in that meeting... In a world where every DNS name is DNSSEC-signed, and every DNS client validates all received DNS responses, we wouldn't necessarily have the problem of DNS spoofing. Even if we concede that universal use of DNSSEC is a long time off ... more

Dish Network Confirms Network Outage Was a Cybersecurity Breach Impacting Customers and Employees

The satellite television provider, Dish Network is currently dealing with a cybersecurity incident that has affected its internal networks, customer support systems, and websites such as and It is currently investigating the incident and has confirmed certain data was extracted from its IT systems as a result. more

Brand Impersonation Online is a Multidimensional Cybersecurity Threat

Brand impersonation happens much more often than people realize. In CSC's latest Domain Security Report, we found that 75% of domains for the Global 2000 that contained more than six characters from the brand names were not actually owned by the brands themselves. The intent of these fake domain registrations is to leverage the trust placed on the targeted brands to launch phishing attacks, other forms of digital brand abuse, or IP infringement... more

GoDaddy Reveals Its Network Suffered a Multi-Year Security Compromise

On Friday, GoDaddy revealed that it had suffered a multi-year security compromise that allowed unknown attackers to steal company source code, customer and employee login credentials, and install malware that redirected customer websites to malicious sites. more

Ukraine Conflict Transformed the Cyber Threat Landscape, Says Google

According to a recent analysis, the cyber threat landscape has changed dramatically one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Google TAG, Mandiant, and Trust & Safety have released a report titled, Fog of War: How the Ukraine Conflict Transformed the Cyber Threat Landscape, based on analysis from Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG), Mandiant, and Google Trust & Safety. more

DNSAI Compass: Six Months of Measuring Phishing and Malware

The DNS Abuse Institute recently published our sixth monthly report for our project to measure DNS Abuse: DNSAI Compass ('Compass'). Compass is an initiative of the DNS Abuse Institute to measure the use of the DNS for phishing and malware. The intention is to establish a credible source of metrics for addressing DNS Abuse. We hope this will enable focused conversations, and identify opportunities for improvement. more

Healthcare Industry Was the Most Common Victim of Third-Party Breaches in 2022

Health care industry was the most common victim of cyberattacks in 2022, according to a report by cyber intelligence firm, Black Kite. The study found a total of 34.9% of cyberattacks occurred in health care, up 1% from the year before, making it the most attacked sector for the second year in a row. more

Feds Confirm Cyberattack Caused Nation’s Critical Suicide Helpline Outage

Federal officials have confirmed that a cyberattack caused a nearly day-long outage of the United States's 988 mental health helpline on December 1st, 2020. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) revealed that the attack occurred on the network of Intrado, the company that provides telecommunications services for the helpline.  more

How to Avoid Insider Threats Such as the Latest New York Post Hacking

New York Post has been "hacked" by an employee. To protect themselves from insider threats, companies can deploy zero trust and restrict access. On October 27, the New York Post published a string of racist and sexist articles on its website. Fabricated news about politicians, such as pieces concerning racist comments of a New York City mayor, has been headlining the publication. more

The Hack Will Be a Costly Affair for Optus

More and more information is becoming available about the breach of Optus (Australia's second-largest telco). It looks like the hacker is more of an amateur than a professional criminal or a "state actor." This makes the hack even more worrisome. It looks as though Optus didn't have its security house in order. This makes the issue all the more painful for the company. It will dent its reputation, and customers could become somewhat wary about dealing with the company. more