

Cybersecurity / News Briefs

U.S. National Security Agency Announces AI Security Center

U.S. National Security Agency Director, Army Gen. Paul M. Nakasone, has announced the formation of the AI Security Center, a new entity designed to oversee the development and integration of artificial intelligence within the nation's security systems. more

Online Safety Bill: UK’s Digital Overhaul

The UK Parliament has given the green light to the controversial Online Safety Bill, putting Ofcom, the communications watchdog, in charge of internet regulation. This step brings the legislation closer to becoming law. more

UK’s National Agencies Release White Paper on Evolving Cyber Crime Ecosystem


Phishing Attacks Surge Despite Increased Awareness, New Strategies Needed

The alarming rise of phishing attacks has been underscored by a recent study "Phishing Landscape 2023: An Annual Study of the Scope and Distribution of Phishing conducted" by the Interisle Consulting Group, revealing a tripling of such attacks since May 2020. Despite efforts by companies and policymakers to combat this cybercrime, the data suggests that the prevailing strategies are ineffective and worsening each year. more

The Rising Cost of Digital Theft and Espionage in Germany

The German digital association, Bitkom, recently announced that the cost of IT equipment theft, data breaches, digital and industrial espionage, and sabotage is expected to reach a staggering 206 billion euros ($224 billion) in 2023.  more

Hospitals Advised to Prepare for a Month of Downtime Following Cyberattacks

The Joint Commission, a healthcare accreditation agency, has advised hospitals and health systems to brace for at least a month of downtime following a cyberattack, according to The Wall Street Journal. This recommendation is part of new guidelines released by the agency for handling IT security events. more

Belarus-Linked Hackers Target Diplomats, Likely With State Support

Foreign diplomats based in Belarus have been under the digital crosshairs of hackers with suspected ties to the Belarusian government for nearly a decade, security researchers revealed on Thursday. more

U.S. Schools Targeted in Ransomware Attacks: White House Responds

In response to increasing ransomware attacks targeting U.S. educational institutions, the White House convened an inaugural cybersecurity summit this Tuesday. The malicious cyber onslaughts have led to the online leakage of confidential student data, ranging from medical files to reports on sexual assaults. more

British Researchers Discover AI-Powered Technique That Can Extract Data Through Typing Sounds

A new study conducted by British researchers has unveiled a potentially concerning form of cyber threat where hackers can extract personal data just by listening to someone type. more

Widespread Cyberattack Paralyzes US Hospital Systems, Interrupting Critical Healthcare Services

US hospitals have been severely affected by a substantial cyberattack, leading to the closure of emergency rooms in multiple states and the redirection of ambulances.  more

SEC Now Giving Companies a 4-Day Deadline to Reveal Cyberattacks

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has introduced new regulations requiring companies to disclose substantial cybersecurity incidents. These rules also mandate yearly disclosure of key information regarding cybersecurity risk management, strategy, and governance. The mandate applies to foreign private issuers as well. more

China’s Top Diplomat Calls for Global Cyberspace Fairness, Urges Resistance to Technological Dominance

In a call for "fairness and justice" in cyberspace, China's top diplomat, Wang Yi, has encouraged emerging economies to collectively resist any attempts at dominance in science, technology, or the internet. more

Google Limits Some Employees’ Access to the Internet

Google has launched a pilot program to bolster its cybersecurity defenses by limiting internet access for some employees. Initially, Google selected 2,500 participants, but after receiving feedback, it modified the program to allow employees to opt out and invite volunteers to join. more

Massive Data Breach Hits HCA: 11 Million Records Compromised

In what is currently the largest healthcare industry data breach, Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) has confirmed the theft of 11 million patient records. HCA, one of the country's most prominent healthcare providers, believes the breach originated from an external storage system used for email automation. more

Russian Cyberattack Disrupts Operations at Japan’s Largest Maritime Port: Global Threat Intensifies

Japan's largest maritime port, the Port of Nagoya, suffered significant disruption due to a cyberattack, allegedly by the Russian group Lockbit 3.0. The attack, involving ransomware that locks systems until a payment is made, resulted in a terminal outage on Tuesday, with operations expected to resume Thursday. more