IPv4 Markets



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IPv4 Markets / Industry Updates

Enriching Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems with IP and Domain Intelligence

Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) and intrusion prevention systems (IPSs), collectively called "intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPSs)," monitor network traffic to stave off unauthorized access. Roughly speaking, an IDS detects possible malicious network activities, while an IPS stops malicious traffic from entering and possibly damaging a network. more

Threat Intel Expansion on Cosmic Lynx BEC Campaign’s Recorded IoCs

Why go after individuals when you can get greater rewards by zooming in on more lucrative targets like large multinational corporations (MNCs)? That's the premise behind the Cosmic Lynx business email compromise (BEC) campaign that brought several MNCs, many of which were Fortune 500 or Global 2000 companies, to their knees. more

QAnon and 8Chan Digital Footprint Analysis and Investigation Expansion

In October, Brian Krebs reported that several websites related to 8Chan and QAnon went offline, albeit only briefly. That happened when the entity protecting them from distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, CNServers LLC, terminated its service to hundreds of Spartan Host IP addresses... more

A Brief OSINT Analysis of Charming Kitten IoCs

Charming Kitten is a cybercriminal group believed to be of Iranian origin, which was first seen in 2014, but had been active for years after the initial detection. The group use an intricate web of methods such as spear phishing and impersonation. more

Revisiting APT1 IoCs with DNS and Subdomain Intelligence

Cyber espionage is a type of cyber attack that aims to steal sensitive and often classified information to gain an advantage over a company or government. The 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) revealed that several hundreds of incidents across industries in the previous year were motivated by espionage. more

Dark Caracal: Undisclosed Targeted Attack IoCs Can Pose Risks

Targeted attacks are known as some of the most destructive cyber attacks in that they zoom in on organizations that either provide critical services or have massive user bases. more

A Look Into Tor Nodes’ Locations and ISPs with IP Intelligence

The Tor Project has been synonymous with the Deep Web, as it is a primary method by which users can access hidden portions of the Internet. Besides traffic encryption, an additional feature that gives Tor users anonymity is that their network traffic passes through several nodes, making the real source unidentifiable. more

Attack Surface Analysis: Most Blacklisted IP Addresses Scrutinized

The attack surface of every Internet user gets wider every day, but it doesn't mean there's nothing that can be done about it. For one, analyzing possible attack vectors, such as suspicious or malicious domain names and IP addresses, can help with attack surface management. more

Enriching IP Blacklists Using a Reverse IP/DNS Database

Every organization faces two kinds of cyber threats daily - "known" and "unknown" ones. Known threats are those that security experts have discovered, often published in blogs and major news outfits with accompanying indicators of compromise (IoCs). Unknown threats, meanwhile, are those that remain hidden to victims and researchers. IoCs for these have yet to be identified and disclosed. more

Not All VPN Users Are Worth Trusting, a Lesson for Cloud Service Providers

Virtual private networks (VPNs) are widespread; about a third of the Internet population uses them worldwide. Their primary reason? VPN usage touts more secure browsing. more