/ Industry Updates

Unveiling Global Domain Activity Trends in Q4 2023

The new domain name registration volume rose 10.24% from the third to the fourth quarter of 2023. WhoisXML API researchers uncovered this finding, along with other DNS trends, after analyzing more than 31 million newly registered domains (NRDs) added from 1 October to 31 December 2023 as seen in the Newly Registered Domains Data Feed.

Kimsuky: DNS Intel Gathering

The Kimsuky Group, believed to be a North Korea-based advanced persistent threat (APT) group active since 2013, struck again several times this year. They gained notoriety for launching spear-phishing attacks on targets to gain initial access.

A Log4Shell Malware Campaign in the DNS Spotlight

The Log4Shell zero-day vulnerability, also known as "CVE -- 2021 -- 44228," proved to be one of the worst bugs disclosed in December 2021. And while a patch for it has been made available via the Log4j 2.17.1 release seven days after its discovery, some affected systems could remain vulnerable to date.

Unveiling Stealthy WailingCrab Aided by DNS Intelligence

The WailingCrab malware has gained notoriety for its stealth. IBM X-Force security researchers recently published an in-depth analysis of the malware, which has been abusing Internet of Things (IoT) messaging protocol MQTT.

VGETS New Board Release

The Video Game Ethics, Trust & Safety Working Group Announces the Appointment of First Corporate Officers & Board Members.

A Peek Under the Hood of the Atomic Stealer Infrastructure

The Atomic Stealer, also known as "AMOS," first emerged in September this year by spreading on Macs disguised as popular applications. This time around, it has been wreaking more havoc in the guise of a fake browser update dubbed "ClearFake."

DNS Abuse: Finding Our Way Forward Together

Many problem-solving processes say that to solve a problem, the first step is to accurately define it. The International Trademark Association (INTA) did just that earlier this year when they announced their board of directors adopted a resolution whereby they defined domain name system (DNS) abuse with the help of their constituents.

Domain Blocking: The Future of Brand Protection

Since 2014, more than 800 new domain extensions have been added to the internet. In addition to the ubiquitous .com and country-code extensions such as the United Kingdom's .uk and Japan's .jp, unique spaces have been created for industry sectors, special interests, geographical regions and more.

IPv4 Price Trends & Expectations

Predicting rational behavior on the part of market participants invites two problems into the resulting projections. First, people almost always include some element of irrational thinking in their decisions. Second, no predictor can know every variable -- even only the rational ones -- or weigh those they know with perfect accuracy.

A Fake ID Marketplace under the DNS Lens

The concept of internationalization extends from the virtual to the physical realm. Many people wish to travel or even migrate to other countries at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, that's sometimes easier said than done given the many legal documents, including valid IDs, passports, and others required.