New TLDs



10 Years of Radix and New gTLDs: An Interview with CEO Sandeep Ramchandani

Domains and Creators: Connecting Creativity, Clout and (Brand) Custody

Building a More Inclusive Internet for All: A Radix Initiative

New TLDs / Featured Blogs

Musings on Metering: An Update from ICANN’s Latest Meeting

ICANN held another update for new gTLD applicants last week, revealing that the proposal to meter the introduction of new gTLDs received many suggestions during the open comment period. This was just the first step to what I imagine will be a long process - one that will continue on September 12 when ICANN holds a public consultation that will offer more detailed discussion on the many different options for metering. more

Setting ICANN’S Governmental Advisory Committee Up to Succeed

ICANN's Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) - the special stakeholder group responsible for providing government advice to ICANN on issues of public policy - has an important role to play in the remaining evaluation and delegation phases of the new Top-Level Domain (TLD) program. For some applicants, the future of their new TLD projects may rest on the decisions of the 50 or so national government representatives that are active members of the GAC. more

A Visualized gTLd Sequencing Proposal

As a follow-up to our previous CircleID article "Strong Support for IDNs, GEOs and/or Communities to Go First" we have developed a flow chart which visualizes how the applications may be processed in a fair and transparent manner. The chart also shows that at the end of the day only about 1,200 new gTLDs may go online, that means that we will likely see about 730 drop outs. more

Why Saving the NomCom Means Saving ICANN Itself

ICANN's 2012 Nominating Committee (NomCom) selections are out. After a yearlong process, the NomCom has selected new members for the ICANN Board (3 seats), the GNSO and ccNSO Councils (1 seat each) and ALAC (2 positions). For those unfamiliar with it, the NomCom is in theory independent of other ICANN bodies such as the Board and exists to help fill leadership positions on them. more

Considering Existing gTLDs: The .museum Top-Level Domain’s Potential

We keep talking about new gTLDs but, what about those generic Top-Level Domains which already exist and which no one talks about anymore? ...I am also familiar with the existing speech which says: "Check the .museum : it is the example why new gTLDs won't work". I think it has nothing to do with the fact that new gTLDs will or will not work. I strongly believe .museum has potential and I also think the actual situation of the .museum can change. more

Strong Support for IDNs, GEOs and/or Communities to Go First

ICANN's public comment period on how to resolve the contention scenario for probably 1,409 new gTLDs entering the root has closed on 19 August 2012. Alltogether 98 comments from parties around the globe have been received, representing language communities, cities, corporations, entrepreneurs and Internet users. In contrast to many comment periods we have participated in during the 7-year long policy development process for new gTLDs it seems that a clear opinion emerges from the applicants' community and other parties. more

dot DO or dot DIE?

ICANN has started dot name evaluations and charging ahead at their full speed. Mathematically it can be proven that any reasonable success of the current 1500 proposed dot names will result in tens of thousands of additional applications in the subsequent rounds. It is estimated that by the year 2020 there will be 10,000 dot names in operation and by 2025 the number would easily double. Such forecasts are not based on technological advances more

The Trademark Clearinghouse: Secure, Reliable, Usable - Pick Any Two

Earlier this week, technical and legal experts from ICANN, Deloitte and IBM met in Brussels with their counterparts from registrars and registry service providers representing as much as 90% of prospective gTLD registries, to discuss the technical implementation of the Trademark Clearinghouse, the database of rights holder information that will support the mandatory rights holder protection mechanisms for new gTLDs. more

It’s Time to Put a Bow on the URS: Our Work is Almost Done

For years our community has struggled with the rules of the URS - the Uniform Rapid Suspension - aimed at taking down the "worst of the worst" domain name registrations in a manner faster and cheaper than its predecessor, the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy - the UDRP. On June 27, in Prague, a diverse group met to discuss the fate of the URS. To my surprise, it was a rare "kumbaya" moment, and that makes it worthy of comment. more

4 Items for Applicants to Consider in Planning, Even As You Wait

With the effective deregulation of the domain name industry through the imminent launch of up to 1,000 new gTLD's, the competitive landscape is going to get a whole lot hotter over the next 24 months. We will likely see some financially and commercially successful ventures. It is likely that we will see many unsuccessful ones as well. The gap between success and failure will be slim. more

Industry Updates

Radix’s Releases H2 2023 Premium Domains Report, Reaches $4.8M in Total Premium Domain Name Retail Revenue

Radix Launches Linklab - a Tool for Creators to Brand Their Link-In-Bios

Unveiling Global Domain Activity Trends in Q4 2023

eCommerce Business on .Store Sees More Traffic and Visibility; 12-Month Study Indicates

Historic Sale of by Radix Sets New Record for nTLDs

Radix’s Releases H1 2023 Premium Domains Report, Reaches $4.6M in Total Premium Domain Name Retail Revenue

Domain Name Industry Brief Quarterly Report: Announces 356.6 Million Domain Name Registrations in the Second Quarter of 2023

Radix Launches RFP for a Registry Service Provider (RSP)

Radix Raises the Bar for Digital Engagement With the Contest

Advocacy and Recommendations from the Brand Registry Group on gTLDs, Closed Generics, and IDN Policies

Largest Social Media Creator, MrBeast, Relaunches His Official Merch Store on

Radix Releases 2022 Domain Renewals Data

Verisign Domain Name Industry Brief: 354.0 Million Domain Name Registrations in Q1 2023

5 Ways New gTLDs Have Evolved the Domain Investing Industry

Radix Reports $7.6M in Total Premium Domain Name Retail Revenue in 2022, Highest-Ever Annual Number to Date