Registry Services

Registry Services / Industry Updates

40+ Pioneers Signed on for .TECH, as it Enters EAP Today?

Co-founder of OnePlus, Carl Pei -- who recently revealed the highly-anticipated OnePlus 2 smartphone in the world's first virtual reality product launch -- is amongst the first tech industry leaders to reserve a .tech domain name. Carl intends to use '' for his blog and plans to make the move by the end of this year. more

In Celebration of Marriage Equality Each New .LGBT Name Donates $20 to the It Gets Better Project

.LGBT (dotLGBT) domain registry operator Afilias announced the launch of the .LGBT Pride Program in celebration of two recent victories for LGBT equality: the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling regarding the right to marriage equality in the US, and Ireland's legalization of same-sex civil marriage. more

TLD Security, Spec 11 and Business Implications

After successfully securing your new TLD, launching it, and executing on your meticulously devised marketing plan, the only other concern you face is Security. Unfortunately, predicting exactly when and to what degree a security threat will occur can be difficult but you can take steps to make your new TLD a source of legitimacy and credibility. more

Alabama Joins dotVOTE Movement - Announces for Its Election Site

Alabama has linked to the dotVOTE (.VOTE) movement to cut down on the confusion that voters may encounter if they move from one state to another and need information on voter registration. more

LogicBoxes Partners With Domains.Green to Setup Retail & Wholesale Channels for .green Domains

LogicBoxes, the Vertical Integration Solutions Provider for New gTLDs and ccTLDs, today announced that it has partnered with LLC to establish wholesale and retail channels for .green domains, helping better serve global green community. more

New .vote TLD Used for Arizona Voters

Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan and the .VOTE registry announced today that two new and simple web addresses have been launched for Arizona voters -- and more

Afilias Releases 160,000+ Names Across 8 New TLDs

Previously reserved "ICANN collision" names now available to public. Couldn't register for great names like,, or Now you can! more

Deal Yourself In: .POKER Names Now Open to All

Global registry services provider and poker fan Afilias announced today that the new "dot POKER" or .POKER top level domain is now open for public registration on a first-come-first-served basis. more

ICANN’s Registry Audits Begin Next Week. Are You Prepared?

New Top-Level Domain (TLD) operators should be on alert next Monday 23 March when ICANN will formally notify the Registries it has selected to form part of this year's contractual compliance audit program. more

.study & .courses to Launch with Support of ARI Registry Services

ARI Registry Services has signed a 10 year agreement with Open Universities Australia, the owner for the .study and .courses new Top-Level Domains (TLDs), for strategic consultancy and operational management of the two namespaces. more