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Starlink Is Critical in Support of Ukraine, and It Will Continue

At 4:04 am on February 26 Mykhailo Fedorov, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, requested Starlink service from Elon Musk, and at 2:45 pm on the 26th, Elon Musk tweeted "Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route." On February 28 at 12:29 pm, Fedorov posted a photo of a truckload of terminals. (Kyiv is 10 hours ahead of California) and an engineer, Oleg Kutkov, posted the first tweet from Ukraine.

Bad News From the 2025 Munich Security Conference: Cyberspace Gets Weaponized

There was one unpleasant message from the 2025 Munich Security Conference (MSC), which will have probably far reaching consequences for the governance of the digital space: Cyberspace will be governed by the rules of geo-political conflicts. And it is a battlefield in the 21st century wars. Both in the "Bayerischer Hof" and in the "IHK Munich", where the 11th edition of the Munich Cybersecurity Conference (MCSC) took place, controversial debates circled around the question of how civilian and military use of digital services will interplay in the years to come.

Cyber Resilience Resources Restructuring

Information and Communications (ICT) infrastructures rely on many globally shared critical resilience information resources for diverse essential functions such as identifiers, routing, and cyber security. However, this ICT ecosystem has rapidly become significantly less stable and collaborative with dramatically diminished respect for legal norms and values because of the new USA national Administration. The instability includes the vicarious, wholesale removal of essential public safety and scientific databases, as well as global collaboration with multiple global UN public safety bodies. One result is the scaling of Digital Sovereignty initiatives.

The 2024 IPv4 Market in North America

Between 2021 and 2023, the IPv4 market was a roller coaster ride - prices shot up in 2021, peaked in 2022, and plummeted in 2023. Those who expected a recovery in 2024 were sadly disappointed. Prices for IP addresses continued to decline, leveling out during the second half of the year. And yet, market activity remained remarkably unaffected - a sign, perhaps, that the market is settling into a new normal.

Br’AI’ve New World - Part 1: Brand Protection ‘Clustering’ as a Candidate Task for the Application of AI Capabilities

As counterfeit networks grow more elusive, AI-driven clustering could revolutionize brand protection. By linking disparate findings, identifying serial infringers, and enabling bulk enforcement, AI offers a smarter approach to monitoring and takedown efforts. Yet, challenges remain - from data reliability to analyzing complex content. Companies that master AI-driven clustering may gain a significant advantage in the fight against brand abuse.

AI in Telecom

NVIDIA recently issued its third annual State of AI in Telecommunications report. The company manufactures many of the cards used in AI data centers, so the company is clearly focused on AI adoption. NVIDIA issues similar reports for other industries. The 2025 report is the result of a survey that NVIDIA administered to 450 telecom professionals across the globe.

A Threat to Europe’s Digital Human Rights Stewardship

In a contemporary era when the human rights, democracy, and the rule of law are under attack, Europe has asserted itself as the leading global digital steward for maintaining those values. However, doing so through its Digital Sovereignty initiatives is significantly dependent on the ability to produce timely technical standards that underpin the implementing legislation.

Beyond WHOIS: Filling the Gaps

Amid evolving privacy laws and rising cybersecurity threats, domain registration data disclosure remains a contentious issue. Beyond WHOIS: Filling the Gaps brings together experts to examine Project Jake's policy framework, aiming to balance privacy with legitimate access. Join industry leaders for insights on policy clarity, operational efficiency, and the future of domain name governance.

The Digital Sovereignty Ecosystem

The terms Digital Sovereignty or Souveraineté numérique have recently risen in prominence to describe the international rule of law as it applies to information and communication technologies. At a time when disinformation is proliferating and the rule of law, democracy, and human rights, together with long-standing relationships, are being cast aside, digital sovereignty is scaling in importance as a key defensive measure among many nations.

Constraints on Satellite Broadband: Starlink Alone Unable to Meet Rural Broadband Demand

In a 2024 end-of-year memo, Gary Bolton of the Fiber Broadband Association said that FBA had partnered with the consulting firm Cartesian to look at the pros and cons of Starlink in the U.S. FBA says that report shows that Starlink currently has 1.4 million customers in the U.S., and with the current satellite constellation has the capacity to serve 1.7 million customers.