
Cyberattack / Industry Updates

Tracing the Digital Footprint of Iran’s Mabna Hackers

In 2018, nine Mabna hackers were indicted by a U.S. grand jury for their involvement in different instances of cybercrime. Their victims included about 320 universities and over 50 private, government, and nongovernmental organizations in several countries. more

Profiling the Massive Infrastructure Behind the Democratic National Committee Cyberintrusion

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) breach was a high-profile cyber attack in recent history. Years later, the cybersecurity community can still benefit from insights and actionable intelligence relevant to the attack. In line with this, WhoisXML API threat researcher Dancho Danchev dove deep into the DNS system intrusion using publicly available indicators of compromise (IoCs). We further enriched his findings, allowing us to uncover: more

Is Monkeypox Following COVID-19’s (Digital) Footsteps?

The public attention COVID -- 19 got was truly reflected in the Domain Name System (DNS). And Monkeypox seems to be following the trail the pandemic blazed, though to a smaller extent, as threat actors seem to be using it as the latest phishing lure. How has this new virus been affecting domain registration? more

Luxury Jewelry, Anyone? Watch Out for Fakes

Scammers and counterfeiters are always on the lookout for quick gains. And the more expensive the fake item, the bigger the possible gain. It’s no wonder then why they’re looking to mimic the world’s most popular luxury jewelers. more

Koobface Makes a Comeback

The Koobface Gang gained notoriety from 2008 to the 2010s for spreading malware via Facebook and other social networks. Believe it or not, the gang amassed millions of dollars from their online scams while hiding in plain sight in St. Petersburg, Russia. After being publicly identified in 2012, the gang members shut down their operations. more

A Look into New Cybersquatting and Phishing Domains Targeting Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp

When Facebook changed its parent company name to Meta in October 2021, we detected more than 5,500 newly registered domains (NRDs) a week after the announcement. In more recent news, a judge dismissed the company's cybersquatting and trademark infringement case against Namecheap. more

Cybersecurity and the Environment: 4 Reasons Why They Are Well-Suited

Earth Day 2022's theme is Invest in Our Planet, collectively putting our governments, businesses, and people in charge of how they should be investing in our planet so it's here for generations to come. Last year, during the COP26 in Glasgow, diplomats of almost 200 countries reached a deal to fight against climate change. more

A Look at Actinium/Gamaredon’s Infrastructure: More Artifacts Revealed

Actinium/Gamaredon, reported as a Russian advanced persistent threat (APT) group that has been active for almost a decade now, had started trailing their sights on Ukrainian organizations back in February 2022. more

From Fake News Proliferation to Data Theft: Tracing the Red Cross Hack to a Misinformation Network

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) hack in January 2022 led to the compromise of the sensitive information belonging to 515,000 people. While no indicators of compromise (IoCs) relevant to the attack have been publicized, a security researcher did expose a possible link to an Iranian misinformation network. more

Meet the Speakers of the Cyber Threat Mitigation Webinar (by IPXO)

On the 14th of April, IPXO, the world's leading IP monetization and leasing platform will be holding a webinar on Cyber Threat Mitigation. Thought leaders from CUJO AI, Deft, Voxility and IPXO, will be sharing their insights from their experiences in observing and analyzing the Internet's landscape. more